Autumn Song

For our Autumn learning journey one of the activities was to make some music that is Autumn themed. When I hear the music I think of all the cars driving over the rustling leaves and making crunching sounds. Making the music was really fun because there were a lot of features like you could make the bar longer and choose scale and beats per bar.

3 thoughts on “Autumn Song

  1. Kia ora Lleyton. I thought your music was amazing. It made me think about Autumn leaves as well. Maybe next time you could change the scale and beats per bar to make it different. Why did it make you think about cars driving over rustling leaves?

    1. Kia ora it was tricky making the music because I had to ask my mum about 5 times for her to tell me if it was good or not. It made me think of cars running over the leaves because the sound went low then up. I probably with change the beats per bar next time.

      1. lleyton your music sounds amazing maybe next time you could add some tree to match your title and make leavs falling down

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